The District office will be closed during the holiday break from Thursday, December 23 through January 1st; we will resume regular business hours on January 3rd, 2011. I know that many of your county offices will be open for some time during these days. If for some reason your office must be closed during the non-county holiday times, make sure that your clientele can reach you or a designated person if they need to. I will be available on my cell phone (361)543-7595.
District 11 County Judges and Commissioners Conference
We had a excellent conference on December 14th, in Edna. 4 county judges and 23 county commissioners attended the conference. 8 District 11 counties were represented at the conference. Four attendees were newly elected officials. Judon Fambrough with the Real Estate Center at Texas A&M University provided a program on wind energy opportunities in the Coastal Bend, Dr. Rebecca Dundensing, provided a program on Economic Development opportunities and evaluation, and Mr. Dennis Dewitt, provided a great program on County health and community affair issues. State Representative John Zerwas, District 28 contributed with a legislative update on the many issues affecting lawmakers in Austin this legislative session to start on January 11 2011.
The program finished with information from Jim Allison, general counsel for the judges and commissioners association of Texas. Also in attendance was Ms. Ashely Mathews with the VG Young Institute for County Government, and Dr. Dromgoole, Associate Director for County Programs. Dr. Dromgoole provided an update discussing our Budget reduction and possible future budget cuts.
Thanks to the JJ and Mike for being great hosts, and for the other agents that I ask to assit with the conference.
Outlook Conversion Process
District 11 counties that have been converted to Outlook email system are Karnes , San Patricio and Refugio Counties.
What does this mean? Basically means that any groups that you have created with Karnes, San Patricio and Refugio county staff will not get the e-mail if you send e-mail to the group as it exists. You need to go back and re-add the staff back to your personal groups.